

Det är numera över 5 år sedan jag tog emot min första Bars behandling och inte långt efter den gick jag min första Bars kurs. Det kommer jag aldrig glömma:-)

Sedan dess har det blivit många kurser och jag har utbildat mig till att facilitera de flesta. Vilken glädje det är att se människor utvecklas, förändras på så kort tid och på sätt som jag aldrig trodde var möjligt.

Och inte tala om den förändring jag har gått igenom. När jag tänker på vem jag var då… så tacksam för Access. Mitt liv har förändrats på alla områden. 

Jag är än fascinerad över denna teknik och lär mig hela tiden nytt. Det är som det inte finns några gränser…

Precis när jag började Access så hade Gary ändrat reglerna för att kunna bli Bars Facilitator. Det brukade endast vara Certified Facilitators som
höll i Bars kurser. Gary upplevde att Bars inte nådde ut i världen och bestämde sig för att förändra det. Endast gå 3 Bars kurser för att kunna bli Bars facilitator och sedan
ansöka om sin licens. 

Och vad hände??

Det exploderade ut i världen! Tänk att i de flesta länderna i världen finns det någon som kan ge Bars! Är det inte otroligt?

Jag skulle önska att kunna få Bars på flygplatserna…det skulle vara helt underbart för mig som reser så mycket. Alla kan lära sig Bars, det är tom många barn som ger Bars. 
Jag har fått glädjen att ha många barn och tonåriga på mina kurser och fått följa de under några år. Vilka otroliga möjligheter som öppnas upp för de. De släpper så snabbt ... allt som inte är deras. Vilken gåva att ge sina barn, möjligheten att skapa sina egna liv!

Jag kommer ihåg när jag började lära mig Bars så önskade jag mig att få lära mig direkt av Gary. Och genom åren har jag hört honom adressera mycket om Bars på olika kurser och även sett honom hålla en kortare kurs i Venedig detta året. Där jag tom var med och gav en kille i rullstol Bars. Jag fick sitta bredvid Gary & Dain medans de undervisade klassen.
Det var en otrolig upplevelse och jag fick så mycket inspiration från den kvällen!!!

För 2 år sedan höll Dain Heer i den första Global Bars och den var så kraftfullt att uppleva den Bars kursen. Förra året var jag en av de 7 Access Facilitators som hölls i Global Bars. Wow... otroligt att hålla kurs samtidigt som man är i kontakt med hundratals människor över hela världen. 

Den kursen hölls i Houston, Texas. Jag minns många av er som var med på kursen, i olika Podar:-))
Så tacksam för allas feedback!! 

Nu kommer ännu en dröm i uppfyllelse: Bars kurs med Gary!! Helt otroligt!
Missa inte detta:-))

Även om jag inte är med LIVE i Australien så kommer jag vara hemma och se på kursen. Kursen äger rum i Australien och det betyder natt tid för oss. Så jag erbjuder även möjligheten att se kursen tillsammans på lördag den 29 november.
Går du kursen tillsammans med oss gäller det även som Bars kurs för att bli Bars facilitator.

Om du deltar i PODen den 29 november

* Får du inspelningen av kursen, så du kan se den så ofta du önskar från din dator
* Du får recordings av kursen
* Gäller som 2 eller 3 Bars kurs om du vill bli Bars Facilitator
* Du får vara med och ge/få Bars 2 gånger och lära dig en massa nytt om bars
* Om du betalar denna veckan, kan du tom se på kursen under natten direkt från Australien… och sedan vara med på kursen på lördag.

Det finns några enstaka platser kvar på natten den 25/26 november hemma hos mig. Ifall du önskar att se den under natten. http://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=47103

Det enda kravet som finns för denna kursen är att du har gått en Bars kurs, spelar ingen roll när du har gått den.

Om du har några frågor, ring mig 0708 39 39 97 eller maila lisen.bengtsson@me.com

Om du inte kan komma på lördag och skulle vara super sugen att göra kursen, så kan du också vara med i Köpenhamn på söndag den 30/11.
Helle och jag håller i en POD på söndagen och det kommer bli så roligt:-)) Finns även möjlighet att samåka...

Tisdag till onsdag 25/26 November, natten (kursen börjar 0:30) i Helsingborg

Lördag den 29 November i Helsingborg

Söndag den 30 November i Köpenhamn tillsammans med Helle & mig... och hela hennes familj:-)) & Sinya



Costa Rica

...it is truly a beautiful place, climate is incredible for me with the humidity and it being warm:-)

Love it and now we are going to be at a resort near a vulcano for 7 or more days and create lots of change in our lives and in the world.

Access is constantly changing, we are changing… what we desire and are willing to create changes.

Every day, literately every second we have choice and the most common choice would be to avoid choice.

Autopilotes are very often used and cherished by people, then they don’t have to think, or look at things different, consider new things. They think they can be.Well if being is kind of being the same and not needing to deal with new stuff. Yes. 

For me it is more like dying inside of me. I am not alive ….I like changing, I like to choose… and avoid things as well, though I demand more and more of me.

That does not have mean I have to do more and it can mean that. How often do I not hear people desiring more income to do less. Passive income so they can relax and put in less hours.

I don’t get it! I don’t try to find something that will make me do less… I will do more with more money. That is for sure. I see it already, investing in new areas, new businesses.

I guess if people would really get excited, love doing what they do, they would never want to stop and wonder how much energy they would receive?

Life is so exciting and the only thing for me is how do I do it all???

What would it take to create a power team to make more possible?

I am looking for more people to join, to create in so many ways. I am looking for a person that would enjoy doing some of the administrative things. So much more possible and so many possibilities.

I even have products that somebody could make an income on!
Endless possibilities and I also would like to do more classes again and looking for people to create with.

Every cell in my body enjoys creating, being alive. I am not working to have time off… I am not longing for vaccation. My life is more like a big long adventure and I do not want to take time off from that!I can have days that are not super filled, and I look at everything I would like to experience and see in the world and I add that to what I am creating. And sometimes I go there and what happens?

I create there too…

It is so easy to think you have to find the thing you want to do… no you don’t. You can ask for the energy of it... great to have a vision, a target for your life. That became so much clearer during the weekend with the Bowmans.

A vision of what you would like to create. And along the way you will see how things show up and you will know to choose them or not...

So much possible for all of us!

In about 6 weeks Gary Douglas is going to facilitate the Global Bars class. Gary!!! The founder of Access Consciousness and the Bars!!!

I am thrilled and would love everybody to have the possibility to be part of this class. Two years ago Dain Heer  facilitated the Global bars class & last year I was part of it, facilitating the class together with the 6 other Leaders. It was an amazing experience.

I will never forget being in Houston connected to the whole world, Dain having an ESC during lunch!!

Some of you were part of the class I can remember, so grateful!

This has been a dream of mine, to see and receive the bars when Gary is facilitating the class. So now it is happening… how does it get any better than this? Incredible!!!

I will be hosting the class during the night, LIVE in Helsingborg 26th of November. Class starts 0:30 on the 26th.This means it is the night between the 25th and 26th.

Then a replay on saturday the 29th in Helsingborg for everybody that could not join live.

And together Helle and I are going to host the class sunday the 30th in her beautiful HOUSE OF CHANGE.

We are going to WELCOME you to a beautiful space and create an amazing experience for all of you. The class is officially from 9:30-18:00 o´clock and we can have some time after the class to have a chat about the day if you desire. 

I have facilitated 100s of people learning the Bars (I have stopped counting) and it is so much joy to see what changes  are possible when we let go of things that do not belong to us.

And as you might have noticed that after receiving bars regularly you become more aware of the possibilities in life.

So don’t miss this day, contributing to your life and the change that is possible. And learn new things about the Bars!

$200 for everybody, kids for free… (there is no repeating price for this class)

What is included?* Bars Manual * Snacks and fun * You receive the recordings of the class* You receive your personal login to be able to watch the class on www.accessconsciousness.tv as often as you like* If you live in Denmark, you will also receive the recordings of the Danish translation

Welcome to join us! Only thing that is different for this global bars class is that you have to have attended a bars class prior to this one.

If you have any questions, please contact me. I am also part of creating the live stream classes and involved in many parts of this class.

LIVE in Helsingborg 26th of Novemberhttp://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=47103REPLAY in Helsingborg 29th of Novemberhttp://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=47104REPLAY close to Copenhagen 30th of Novemberhttp://www.accessconsciousness.com/class_details.asp?cid=47799

Hugs & kissesLisen


I am back:-))

A couple of months ago I was looking at this summer and chose to have more space, not fill my calendar. Do some fun stuff, have some classes and have time enough to write.

And here I am... after hosting and being part of the classes the last weeks, its was intense and I worked more than 24/7, now I am grateful to be here. Space for creation. And so happy for the timing. Blossom has this challenge of creation, 30 days. Of course I will join.

I started writing on my book last year and some this year and I could not find the joy to write. I had prioritized other things in my life.

Now I am here and will write as much as I can.

Here is a little bit of what I wrote today....

When I first began to write I thought I had to be VERY special to write a book, you know like enlightened or changed the whole world, so that was not me.
What did I do…? Start with a blog Lisen. At the same time I had an issue with my spelling, as I have so many languages in my head, I tend to express some things a bit different and you might even be able to figure out from what languages it originates. I decided to get over myself and do tons of mistakes. At that time my boyfriend sometimes asked me to change a sentence or two as it meant something completely different than I intended. Ups!!!

Well… I was willing to be judged and I was happy. Challenged myself to be as I was and not what I wanted me to be.

Sometimes it would have been good to reread things out loud, cause I could have catched a thing or two.
And it was such a great practice to be in allowance of me, the not so perfect Lisen. Knowing things are wrong according to grammar and all that!!!
I wanted to be great and knew it would not be and also knew I was not aiming to put my soul into changing that! So why not write and contribute to
people? And especially to myself. I enjoyed it… yes, I stopped. I filled my calendar with so many things, it was not so much fun to prioritize anymore.

And I have missed it as well. Funny how we can be and choose:-)
When I was writing I got to practice a lot when it came to awareness. I got aware of the reactions my post would create. As I was writing I could sense what possibly would create for the future and sometimes it was not worth it and I changed things. I could have forced things onto people and for what good? I was and am very open about my life. I don’t try to hide things or make them nicer. I know they are written from my perspective and everything I write is an interesting point of view. And we all have so many of them. Isn´t that funny and we make them so valuable. The written word!

I have resisted writing a book, its called procrastination… such a nice word for such a drag.


AND if you missed my morning radio show

I connected with the topic of space of infinite possibilities and have more even when you are happy and joyful and received what you have asked for.
Do you always want more?????
I do and what do I do...ask for more!!!!


Flying high…

Over Amsterdam the pilot just announced!

I am on my way to Sweden from London and its has been an adventure that I can not even explain. Tons of awareness during Garys Level 2&3.

I have been working through the whole class, met so many people. Been creating more and more all the time. There was so much energy in this class, could not have guessed that there would be as much things going on in this class as there was.

In a couple of days of to Venice for facilitators training and ESB & SOP. That sounds so funny and if you have never heard it before, wonder what you think I am saying…. let me explain. 
Dain Heer has 3 core classes with energetic body work. One is called Being You, Changing the world and anybody can come to the class. No pre-requisites. Then we have ESB = energetic synthesis of Being (pre-req Bars, Foundation & Level 1) and SOP = Symphony of Possibilities (pre-req Bars, F&L1 and Level 2&3).
Well on the 23rd the ESB class starts in Venice and I am so excited, I have been to lots of them and every time life changing for me!

And I am ready for so much MORE!

During Level 2&3 I was asked if I would like to coordinate more with the languages for the classes. And I said yes and some parts of it I have been doing already with the classes I have been hosting. And I also can perceive that we can create more for the different countries.

I am excited and lots more coming!!

I am also going to take on another project and soon more details about that. Steve and Chutisa Bowman have asked for help to coordinate some cool stuff they are doing and I just adore them so much and learn so much from them.

I am so grateful for my life and it keeps getting richer and more expansive for every day. And its uncomfortable… 

I have lately looked more what I would like to create and generate in my life and gotten aware of the energy and started looking at energies, point of views that I am keeping in place that limit it all and as well what or who I am not willing to loose that keeps me limited as well. 

I am on an adventure beyond what I can imagine and will challenge me more every day choosing and doing new stuff. I do not desire the same life over and over again and if I don't
choose to do thing different what do you think will show up? the same or different?

A week a ago Ricky Williams and I facilitated our first 2,5 days "FASTER CHANGE NOW" and it was in Copenhagen! Super cool and exciting   people showed up. We were over 70 people for the intro, an incredible dynamic energy and it has been so inspiring to receive so much feedback from an intro.
When people come together and aim for a certain energy… its like a catalyst! expansion!!!

We have had quite a few requests to buy the recordings and you just have to send me an email: lisen.bengtsson@me.com
$55 for the evening $550 for the whole weekend.

Now on saturday I have a FACELIFTING class in Helsingborg, its such a nurturing and caring energy for our bodies. You learn a technic the changes the aging of your cells. I wish everybody would know this, its fascinating what begins to change in bodies!!! Many directly see change in their faces and when then continue receiving this… there are no limits. Of course if you decide things can NOT change… guess what? Things will not change.

If you would like to know more about the class:

Hugs Lisen



I was talking to Ricky about the class in Copenhagen today and its interesting to perceive the energies of the class. When we looked months ago at this class, Copenhagen kept coming up. Where looked at all Europe… The class matched the energy of the country and the people coming (not limited to Denmark). There is so much space for this to be created in a way we can not conclude how it is going to be. Not trying to limit it in any way. And be open to anything. 

This class is really about how to… how to create the life you desire. The institution part / actualizing. Finding what you desire…
So you get from questions, into action and how the magic is part of that. You can keep asking for things and not live it. Is that enough for you? For me it is not!

I constantly ask for more, I am never satisfied. I can be very happy, super grateful and acknowledge what I have been creating. And I know… there is so much more! Time for much more. And every time I ask for more, more shows up big time. And I look at where I stop myself and make sure to destroy or create struggle. 

Cause I can do that with ease. Isn´t that insane and I keep on doing it until I change it. And I am looking at my life, asking questions what I would like to create. Its really easy to continue creating the things I know and am used to. Does that mean that is really what I would like? No and it can be a yes. Many things we create over and over again are things we can use to limit our abilities… there are more on auto pilot, than we would like to know.

What if is way more ease to create money? What if we have so many hang ups so we can not see beyond the points of view we believe in?
I really enjoy talking about money with Ricky, he has such a different energy around it and so much awareness. There is a constant expansion in his universe. 

Ricky is in China until he is coming to Copenhagen and coaching a brand new american football team. First one for China and you know what is cool? He is coming in May to Sweden with them, to Uppsala. So now I know I will be going to my first american football game, and in Sweden!
Fun fun fun!

And in just over 2 weeks we will meet in Copenhagen, create together what we both know is possible! This class is so exciting to tap into, we have a whole weekend together to change where we limit us and choose something totally different. What if that becomes so much ease, it becomes the natural way of being? 
Nurturing you! Contributing to you, including yourself in everything you are doing!
Its not a dream anymore…. its you in action, trusting you!

 Rickys Kids


Dain & Ricky

This is a just a bit of the class they had, it was an evening class in Florida.
You can still buy the class if you would like to hear the whole call.

      So grateful...

…to be able to invite You to meet a really great friend that has contributed alot to my life. Ricky William is know as a successful american football player and since 2 years facilitating Access classes all 
over the world. He has an amazing clarity and awareness. Co-facilitating has expanded both our lives and we would like to contribute with what we see and know is possible to be and create here on the planet.
Every day we challenge ourselves to choose more and more awareness shows up. Choice is really a GIFT!

FASTER CHANGE NOW is a class for everybody that would like more change now. Maybe you are stuck in an area and you have tried over and over again to change it. Are you willing to gift You the possibility to change
it now? It will be fun, it might be uncomfortable when you see everything clear how you have been limiting yourself  and then time for more change:-)) with more ease and joy! You might be very surprised what you 
are capable of!

Some Inspiration & Gifts
TELE CALL "Faster Change Now" with Ricky & Lisen

Faster Change Now class in Chicago with Lisen


AND a NEW tele call series STARTING in March"TRUST YOU, what if that is brilliance, You are creating?"

If you have the chance and possibly to come..
Don´t miss it
Lots of gratitude


Coming up in februari!

* Access Bars class in Copenhagen 
(8 feb)
On friday the 28th of februariyou can join a dynamic workshop to have "FASTER CHANGE NOW". Are you one of those people that always desires more? And it can´t go fast enough! What if you can receive the change you desire with more ease and much quicker than you thought? And you don´t have to become exhausted? Creating with total EASE!

* Foundation & Level 1 in Helsingborg"

(20-23 feb)
Would you like to have more possibilities in your life? Feel that you can create whatever you like and more? During these classes you receive tools and techniques to change anything in your daily life and open up to more of you truly be. You also receive body processes that unlock energies on cellular levels changing whatever has been locked into it.

* FASTER CHANGE NOW! evening with Ricky & Lisen 
(28 feb)
On friday the 28th of februariyou can join a dynamic evening to have "FASTER CHANGE NOW" Do you desire more? Do you feel stuck? Not enough? Or it can´t go fast enough! What if you can receive the change you desire with more ease and much quicker than you thought? And you don´t have to become exhausted? Creating with total EASE!

FASTER CHANGE NOW! 2,5 days with Ricky & Lisen

What if you did not have to stop you anymore? Would you like your life to look a bit different? Is a life with more ease possible? How would it be for you? What would faster change look like for you? Are you willing to receive what you are asking for? Or ONLY after you have worked hard for it?

* Private sessions
1500 DKK (200 Euro) for an hour
Access coaching, clearings, body processes, my version of ESB & SOP. During the sessions I use a combination of Access coaching, clearings and energetic bodywork with the Symphony of Possibilities to unlock whatever is keeping you from receiving what truly is possible for you and your life? Are bodies are amazing facilitators and full of awareness. What if anything was possible to change? And with more ease and speed than you thought was possible? Packages available for 6 months period

8 Access Bars Copenhagen
20-23 Foundation & Level Helsingborg
28 Faster Change, evening class Copenhagen
28- 2/3 Faster Change weekend

15 FaceLifting Helsingborg
NEW tele call series "TRUST YOU, what if that is brilliance You are creating?"

3-6 Foundation & Level 1 Stockholm
12 Heldag med Kroppsprocesser Oscarshamn
And lots more to come...



BlogTalkRadio - "Consciousness in Action"
Jonas & Lisen talking about all kind of topics from a conscious perspective. Sometimes with friends.
Check it out and listen FREE at:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/consciousnessinaction

Voice of America - "Creme de la Creme"
A team of 7 Access Facilitators from all over the world, including both of us, talking about consciousness.
Did you miss our show YESTERDAY???

With tools and techniques to change your life!!

Link to all our Classes & Events with more info and REGISTRATION:

Ease & Joy! :) 
