
Nästa vecka:-)

Är du REDO?? 
5 dagar som kan och kommer att förändra ditt liv!
Glädjer mig verkligen att vara hemma i Helsingborg igen och hålla kurs igen. Och de nya manualerna är super härliga. En kvinna som gick sin 5e kurs i Köpenhamn skrev de följande orden efter kursen:

"After 4 days of change - Foundation/Level One - I am ready for the future. I have got so much more awareness of how to play with the energies, how to be the energies and how to recognize the energies. I am even more aware of there is so much more to learn, the difference is I now have something to work and play from. When people say to me "Your are so different" I now have the courage to say YES because now I know what they are saying to me even though they haven´t got a clue. Some people have though - and thanks for that:-)"

Ord från deltagaren på en kursen i Amsterdam


En mycket kreativ deltagare från förra helgen i Köpenhamn:

"Foundation & Level 1 class with Lisen was awesome ! She as a fun and dynamic capacity to invite you to choose happyness over crapmanship (the art of limiting your life with crap). After two classes with Dain Heer, it was the perfect step for me to really embed the tools in my life and expand the possibilities available in Access. Merci Lisen !"

Access första kurssteg är Bars. Visste du att det finns 32 punkter på ditt huvud, som vid beröring lätt och ledigt släpper allt det som hindrar dig från att bara få ta emot? Punkterna omfattar och rymmer alla de tankar, idéer, övertygelser, känslor och överväganden som du har lagrat under alla livstider. Det här är tillfället för dig att släppa på allt!
BARS kurs

Efter du har deltagit i en Bars kurs så kan välja följande kurser:

* Dag 2-3 är Foundation, 25-26 juli
* Dag 4-5 är Level 1, 27-28 juli

Access FOUNDATION handlar om att ta sig ur den här verklighetens matris och mönster. Du börjar synliggöra åsikterna som begränsar dig så att du, om du förändrar dem, istället får möjlighet att fungera utifrån frågor, val, möjligheter och samverkan. Foundation & Level1 kurserna görs tillsammans eller var för sig av certifierade Access Consciousness™ handledare.
Du får verklighetsnära och praktiskt inriktade verktyg, inklusive flera hands on kroppsbehandlingar. Den största kraften är förmågan att förändra och förvandla vad som helst.



Om pengar är ett problem vänligen kontakta mig.

Denna klass faciliteras av Lisen och även Sinya kommer att vara närvarande. Så är du hundallergisk vänligen meddela detta. Sinya är ett stort bidrag under kurserna och vi är så tacksam för varje möjlighet hon kan vara med.

Lisen Bengtsson

Access Facilitator & Access Organizer
Bars, Foundation & Level 1
Access Body Process Facilitator
Right Voice for You Facilitator
Cert. Coach

Lisen +46 708 39 39 97 | lisen.bengtsson@me.com

In Ireland:-))

Bars Facilitators Day 
Wednesday the 31st of July 
Anne, Lisen, Ricky and Tom inviting you to more possibilities 

What if you were willing to receive everything you can be and create? Did you know that you are a co-creator of Access? 

And What do you know is possible that no one else does? 

What if the door is open to create an amazing business, but we often find something to use against us, to stop us from creating. Lack of information, or we decide something is hard. We even avoid seeing things that would contribute to the change with money we desire. Is it time to receive more? 

We would like to contribute to you and your Access business. Wipe away all the question marks, for us to meet and talk about all the possibilities you can choose. There are a lot of people that really desire to contribute with everything you are asking for. 

Creating your Access Bars Business 
Things we will address during the day and of course we welcome to come 
with all your questions! 

* How did Access start? 
* Affiliate Program 
* Live streaming classes - having your own POD 
* Facilitating Intro classes 
* Access Website - using it to your advantage (own page, what to do?) 
* Monthly report - why? 
* Newsletter: what can you contribute to expand your classes? 
* Bars manual - anything unclear, questions, what else is possible? 
* How to reach new people 
* Hosting a class - what to think about? 
* Competition 
* Humanoid business in a human reality - using it to your advantage 
* Being the invitation for people to choose something different 
* Expos: upcoming events. What is the next step? What things would you like to create? 
* Local Media 

Do you know us? 
Ricky Williams 
Anne Clark 
Lisen Bengtsson 
Tom Galligan 

Four unique facilitators, coming from 3 countries. Ricky, former famous football player now facilitating change over the whole world. Globetrotter Lisen, growing up i different countries and having an international business, facilitating in different languages. Two amazing vulnerable and caring facilitators Anne based in Scotland & Tom in Ireland, facilitating Access full time and here to support everybody that desires more change and consciousness. 

PRICE? 50 Euros 
WHEN? Wednesday the 31st of July, 10:00-17:00 
WHERE? At  The Heritage Hotel, Co. Laois, Portlaoise (Ireland) 

REGISTRATIONS or for any questions please contact Lisa Egan topmarketingonline@gmail.com and telnr. +353 (87) 223 3022 

We are looking forward to meeting you! 
Ricky, Anne, Lisen & Tom


Last week the tele call series "Lines, Lies and Manipulation" started with Gary Douglas. Oh boy... a very different call. I think the title might have stopped some people from choosing it:-)
It´s enough to hear the word manipulation and people react, avoid, distance themselves. There are so many point of views and judgements about manipulation...

You can just feel it in the air. Don´t go there... it´s almost like its bad. Funny, as everybody is manipulating every day. Most people do not want to get aware that they are doing it. Although manipulation exists all around you and is being used to get what you want, often.
And there are of course very different kind of manipulations and we have so much charge against the ones we have judged to be bad, evil or mean. 

Since I started Access I have changed my point of view alot as I have experienced so many situations that changed from the worst possible to amazing things, by choosing to be aware what works and how people function. What I can say or do to change whatever was going on-
Instead of having a nice point of view about things, wow it was keeping my life and choices small!

During the first 10min of the tele call things began to literally shift in my body. It was as things in my life were energetically passing by, things I had made wrong were unlocked, things that I had decided were right and it was somebody else's point of view or experience... it shifted. I could see that I was aware of a different possibility about manipulation and still had bought into limitations of it. Not kind to me or anybody else. When I keep that in place, I make it right that it is wrong. Wow... I felt so much lighter, and more of me showed up. I got more present in my body in that moment.

Gary addressed one thing in the beginning of the call that just expanded my whole life... you know when it opened up to something different. Happier in that moment!!

What did he say?

Gratitude expressed towards others is the greatest manipulation to create, not to get what you want!

We so often think that manipulation is about to get people to do what you would like in your life. What if manipulation is to give people information for them to choose more in life?
Does that sound a bit different?

Wonder how many possibilities we would like to open up to?
What are you aware of about manipulation that can create something greater?
What if we were willing to let go of all the reactions we have against lies and manipulation?

And please don´t conclude that manipulation is what you have experienced that you did not like. For example if somebody was fake and tried to be kind and give you compliments and you just knew if was not real! That is just not very smart manipulation... or it is just not very smart! We have to see where people are, what they can hear and what is possible. I think it is time for this tele call, nothing I can just write a blog post about... to change it and what if this can contribute to something in your life.
I do like this area when it shows up in classes and people ask questions about it to create something different for them and the people involved in their lives! 

And you might get surprised how much kindness is present in this call. Gary just surprises me again and again!!!! Thanks!

Well, next call is tonight at 23:00 my beautiful Swedish time:-)
(it will be the second call)
I have listened to the recordings a couple of times and every time something changes very clearly for me. This call is really something I have asked for!

And if you wish, come along to the call www.accessconsciousness.com/manipulations



Yesterday evening I could already perceive the energies being so bubbly for monday. And I woke up, went out with Sinya, had lots of calls to do for the venue hunting in Copenhagen. We are a step closer. It was awesome energy, and Anya in Denmark was doing the same thing. 
So we had lots of energy on that and we were in contact with 3 possible places. Now have started dealing with them, getting the prices down. And that is something I enjoy, being aware what is required, what is the next step. Which questions to ask, what to say... do we need to meet them in person now? I don´t ever stop being the question and I am willing to see what they require from me.

I like business as you know and its fun everywhere. It is such a contribution to my life and I love it!

Every class I search a venue for, it is different. It has its own energy. And this class is soooo different and the second one of its kind that Dain will facilitate. So no conclusions... space of infinite possibilites... and as the class is called "Symphony of Possibilities". I just love that name... there is endless of things that can be created in the class. It makes my body happy every time I think about it.

Today has been full on with meetings, calls and more calls and the people I have been talking to are such a contribution. Whatever the call was about, just by talking we changed the energies, we changed the now and the future. I am really grateful to have so many amazing people in my life!

Here is a tele call I had 2 weeks ago and I still keep on getting a lot of emails what has happened since that call, so here it is if you life it:



There is a lot of change going on everywhere and its in movement all the time and I so enjoy that!
I had a call today with the hosts of the classes in Ireland together with Ricky and after a couple of minutes we were in an space of change, future, being the change we desire on the planet.
Being! there is nothing we can not change...
Just our point of views can stop change. Anything we hold on to as right or wrong, will stop things from being in a constant change.

hugs and kisses Lisen

ps I keep on forgetting that the classes in Ireland are in 2 weeks, they feel so far away. I have to book flight tickets. I have not looked into all the tickets I will be requiring the next months!

pss I have Foundation & Level 1 in Helsingborg the weekend before, so looking forward! I have more men registered to that class that woman, well at the moment:-)))
25-28 July
and I keep on forgetting that I also have a Bars class!! on the 24th!!!



In the last days I have registered for a lot of classes this year and even for the beginning of 2014! Wow that sounds so far away. I know I am a humanoid and have a tendency to choose in the last minute and create amazing things. And when it comes to attending classes I have not so often been the last minute decider. Although it does happen and not always so much fun when you have to find flights to the other end of the world. 

Time for more changes and I was looking at that. What would happen if you would choose which classes you would like to attend, register and even check flights and begin to book tickets? 

I know I still don´t have all the information what I would like to choose with every flight, but some I do... so I am going to choose different.
I know energetically that the class starts when you commit to it, choose it, so by choosing it and registering I am starting that process. And now I have started a lot of change!

I am going to attend the whole tour in Europe with Dain: Level 2&3 in Venice and then Stockholm.
After Stockholm is Symphony of Possibilities in Copenhagen. Well, I would not miss that class for a thing! and as I am event coordinator... not so good if I am not there:-))) hihihi....

Ohlallalaaa.... august /september... here I come.

October: well, global bars class in Housten, I will be there and then the Global Foundation & Level 1 with Gary!!!! 

First time I will be there live in the class in the US. I have seen it streamed since the beginning. Every year. It is strange for me that Access Facilitators sometimes don´t choose to attend these classes as it is the founder of Access facilitating the manuals, clearings and awareness that we then are going to facilitate.... how does it get any better than that?

After F/L1 I am going to fly to Costa Rica for the 7 days class! One of the most amazing classes I have been to! 
No form, no structure, no significance... so much change, no manuals. So much awareness and consciousness in action! I also hope all the 7 promoted facilitators are going to be there! we meet for the first time 1 year ago!!! That is when Gary kind of launched the whole project.
If you have the possibility to be at a 7 days = CHOOSE it!
Your life will never be the same again!

Its incredible what already has happened and how different I feel. So grateful!!!!!

See you there!!!!



Wake up

When I woke up this morning and looked at my phone I had a message: Wake up!
That was funny and when I looked at my dog she had kind of the same energy, are going out now?

It was 7:00am.... hmmm... not my first choice. So I stayed in bed another hour texting and enjoying my bed!
It is funny to work with people all over the world. Somebody is always awake!
And when you have an idea and you get totally excited and want to talk to the person you are working with!!! Its now not in an hour... or 2.

Well I am now looking forward to this call:-)
Life is amazing and the world is reachable for everybody.
A couple of years everything still felt like big, far away, now its not.

Getting my bars run in a bit, so happy!
I could really have 1-2 days of bars sessions.

Wish you a beautiful day!