
Creating wealth

Tomorrow or for some people it will be today...

'Creating Wealth on a Penny a Day' FREE Interview telecall with Gary Douglas, Dr. Dain Heer & Steve and Chutisa Bowman. TOMORROW - May 21 at 8pm EDT New York time, sign up for the FREE telecall and find your local time here: http://garymdouglas.com/creation-of-wealth-free-interview

Awesome possibility... I am so grateful for Dain & Gary contributing with so much change for me in this area! I started with almost nothing and... its just amazing what is possible.

And when you sign up, you will also receive the recordings of the show. There are over 1600 people registered for the call so far!!! wow... maybe we are going to change the area of money now!!! what would it take for people to demand that???!!!


It is so much joy to be here in Tampa, Florida.

So much joy!

Great people in class, awesome questions and I am so grateful for Ricky!
Facilitating with him contributes to be being a greater facilitator... 
There is a space of no point of view, contribution, fun, no form or structure how the class is supposed to be or what we should do or creating from what we have done before.
In the question... asking the class what they would like.

There is infinite space... wow..
There is no proving between us... no expectations. I was just checking... do I have an expectation? What would happen if he did not show up?
Nothing.... I would facilitate the class. That is all.

This class, and this man are contributing so much to me, to perceive something different, to know more and aknowledge even more than before.

I invented a word: dis-acknowledge
We are often dis-acknowledging that we are aware... we rather prove how wrong we are!

What else is possible?


On my way to Tampa… the day starting great with lots of time at the airport in Copenhagen and delay on the flight. Not the best for me… I thought and then added what else is possible?
I was looking forward not arriving too late in Tampa and getting me connection flight in NY. When we landed there was things incredible long queue at immigrations and after waiting for at least 45 min they just opened the line and let about 20 people (me included) to go to a different line where there hardly were any people. I was totally in the question, like a loop… how does it get any better? what would it take for all of this to be with ease..?
So I managed to get through faster than I thought!

Then getting my bags and off to check in and then security… wow… looooooonnngggggg queue of people and realize this might not work so I go up to somebody working and she just
helped me cut the line and was first. Wow… that was cool and how does it get any better than this?
Funny enough now another delay due to cleaning the aircraft. 
So on the flight now and will be a bit late and so grateful to be picked up at the airport tonight:-)
I flew with SAS and was not impressed at all, you have to pay for extra drinks when not served with the meal and the entertainment system was not great at all. Just wonder what they are thinking???

One thing I am really grateful! I finally got the converter for my headset. During the flight with New Zealand airlines I got these great headsets that reduce to the noise and its so yummie.
But the it does not work on all the flight, need a little thing to convert and have tried to buy it… could not and nobody know where I could buy one… and thanks to SAS, now I have one
and what was funny, they announced that you can take the headset home with you and be aware to take the little converter… couldn't stop smiling.

Just love how things work together! What else is possible?

It can be such a big difference from airline to airline and I really enjoy when there is abundance and generosity. You do spend some money for the flight and what invitation can they be to welcome us back?

Now that I am flying every week I do notice how different it is for me and my body. My next step is now to choose to upgrade my flights. It is so much more comfortable for my body.

I am so looking forward to be in Florida, with so many great people, so many I do not know. Lots of new experience and warm weather…. jippiii!!!
What would it take to have more classes in warmer climate?
That would really work for me:-)) even though I really enjoy Ireland. Guess I get all the sunny days when I am there.

Did you get to listen to our latest radio show on Value of Controversy? We had a great show about bodies being more conscious than we are!
Highly recommend it!

Our radio show is every Tuesday!
Here is the link to the website:

And at 21:00 o´clock (swedish time) you have to click on this link to get to the Empowerment Channel to listen LIVE to the show:

and you can also call us LIVE during the show and ask us questions:
+1 888 346 9141

So feel free to join us at any time...

Now I have arrived and just the smell of the heat & humidity...wow... my body got happy directly!!!!!
Buenas noches a todos!


Ses vi?

Äntligen en Access kväll i Helsingborg igen.

Efter att ha varit på 7 dagars kurs på New Zealand med Gary Douglas ville jag välkomna alla som vi ta del av den energin och få möjlighet att ha en kväll med medvetenhet och clearings. Tillsammans pratar vi om olika områden som kan vara känsliga, som vi ibland undviker och nu har lust att få tillgång till ännu mera av den magisk dig! 
Människor är fyllda av otroliga potential och kapacitet!

Vill du välja det du inte tror är möjligt?
Det finns en skillnad mellan att drömma och skapa din framtid. Hur många åsikter har du om vad som är möjligt och icke möjligt? Hur många slutsatser sitter du fast i som skapar ditt liv. Som skapar din begränsade framtid, den framtid su väljer varje stund.
Genom erfarenheter börjar vi skapa slutsatser om vad som är möjligt om framtiden.
Under 7 dgr kursen här på Nya Zealand fick en kvinna ett erbjudande att byta jobb från Access, från en annan framgångsrik person för 5 miljoner dollar per år!
Hon tog emot erbjudandet, kollade på energin, ställde frågor och tackade nej. Hon fick medvetenheten att det kan hon skapa med Access.
När jag fick höra det... det som hände i mig: vilket bidrag det är till Access, nu kommer vi skapa ännu mera!!!
Det är verkligt om vi väljer det!

Det är upp till oss vilka begränsningar vi gör verkliga... för din verklighet kan bli helt annorlunda.
Det är helt upp till mig:-)
Att välja från det du ser eller tror är möjligt är inte snällt mot dig.

Välkommen att vara med på skype också!

Söndag den 5 maj är du välkommen. Och har du några frågor får du gärna kontakta mig via mail. (lisen.bengtsson@me.com)

kl.18:00-21:00 och registrering from 17:40

Mer information & registrering:

Välkommen och glädjer mig jätte mycket!

Lisen Bengtsson