
Last weeks in my life:-))

On my way to Amsterdam to host Dain Heer with his newest class, Being You with Your Body. It is the first time he will facilitate this class. Many people might think its like any other Being You class. One might think…

After hearing from the Dublin Being You class, Being You with Money, I got the awareness that these 1 day classes really dig deep into the special area and explore total new energies. The people that attended the Being You class in Dublin were so changed! Incredible to perceive and see….

I have been on a tour of consciousness with Dain & Gary during March. It feels like months, and its just 2 weeks I would guess. First Level 2&3 in Copenhagen with 137 people! That was the biggest class ever and these classes are going to grow sooooo MUCH!!!!
And if you think that intimite classes, that means smaller classes, you will get more out of it…. Well, my point of view and experience: every person that comes to the class contributes with their energy and your willingness to change contributes to where the class can go, change and what awareness can contribute to everybody. We are just at the beginning of something total new in the world.

During the class in Rome, Access Facilitators class, we had people from all over the world flying into Rome, to attend the 5 days facilitators class.
From India, US, Canada, Thailand, South Africa… from so many different countries in Europé. I think we were 14 from Sweden, that is incredible. What are we? 9 million people in the country and we are growing rapidly and its going to expand more and more and more!!!!! What else is possible? If Sweden can grow this much, what else is possible for all other countries in Europe? And every person can choose to contribute to facilitate for consciousness!
And what would it take to change peoples realities?

What would happen if people had choice? And they would know it and create their lives from it, instead than from no-choice, drama and limitations that we have decided are real.

I am so grateful for these classes and there is so much more to receive in this reality. We chose a body and what if it is the vehicle to receive everything we are asking for in life?
So happy to be here in this world, what I have chosen so far. Although it is just the beginning of what is possible?

When you perceive that so much is possible, and you create some of it… we often just think we have not received so much at all. We start somewhere and then we can also jump tracks if desire and choose that.
If we don´t ask for it… how could it happen?
If we constantly look at what is not working, or what is wrong or what could be better, we are stuck in our point of views and what happens then?
Stuck even more?
And then we are so great at finding the right reason and justifications why it is like it is. Their reality is true, right…
Justifying what is…. Instead of asking for something different.

So much more is possible in life and with so much more EASE!
And we all get it when we get it.
Nobody can convince us, and if they try we are so good at resisting it… so it does not really change anything.

It is up to us if we would like to go on an adventure without knowing what it will be, without concluding about the future, looking for the results before we choose our lives.
It´s really crazy that we would like to limit our possibilities of the future… instaed of choosing in every moment. For every moment there is choice and you are in every moment creating the now and the future.
Would you like to create your future beyond what you already know is possible?
What would happen if you chose to go on the adventure of consciousness and possibilities?
For me it is time to choose so much more. I have a very different life, traveling the world. Differen countries all the time, facilitating my own classes, hosting for Dain & Gary and othere amazing facilitators and also different projects… and its as soon as I get comfortable, used to it, I know it is time for something different.

It does not mean I have to exclude or not do what I am already doing. I might havet o choose to have some time to create new things as well.


What are you willing to choose?

Tonight I added this picture on Facebook and after 10min it was taken away. I guess somebody must have said something...

Stepping outside the box.

I wanted to create a question in people universe and I did.

Enjoying money... having fun... receiving. What conclusions are you choosing?
What else is possible?
What FUN with money can you choose?
Gary Douglas is just amazing! 

Hugs and good night:-))

ps. if this offends you ALOT, you can always podoc it:-)))