

Got this from the Advanced newsletter in Access

Vulnerability as a Potency 
Have you ever wondered how skilled Martial Artists know precisely when to turn and kick at something that seemingly comes from nowhere? What is that? 

Have you ever noticed that when young children are upset about something and in that splace of vulnerability that they're ithey receive fully what is occurring for them and then suddenly, in the blink of an eye, they move on? They don't hang onto it, analyze it and get stuck in it? What is that? 

Vulnerability - It's a controversial topic when you think about what we've been taught in this reality. It's almost as if we've been taught to avoid vulnerability at all costs. After all, we wouldn't want to show weakness, right?What if vulnerability really was your most potent gift? 

It's a challenging concept for some as we tend to go straight to our unwillingness to show weakness. Or we quickly go to defence against being hurt. Vulnerability is about taking down your barriers and walls and everything you are using to protect yourself. It's about letting go of all of the points of view and judgments you have so that you don't have to defend anything. 

Total vulnerability with no judgments, no points of view and nothing to defend provides you with far more choice than you ever imagined. When we have barriers up in defence of our points of view we are actually excluding and separating ourselves from all of the possibilities in our life because we cannot see outside of the walls of our universe that we've created. Vulnerability provides choice and choice creates awareness. What if awareness is your most powerful protection? When you are aware, you can fully perceive, it's like being aware of the Karate kick from behind. When you are aware you can fully receive - like very young children do. When you are aware, you can simply know what you know. And then all of life truly can come to you with ease. 

Here is the Radio Show we had from Value of Controversy


And did you know that Jonas and me are coming to Stockholm this weekend???


Unik “ALL-INCLUSIVE” WEEKEND! - med Jonas & Lisen
- Create a different life and future!

Hur skulle du kunna skapa en mer expansiv plattform för framtiden?!
Tänk om det skulle göra ditt liv ännu roligare och fullt av nya möjligheter?

Välkommen till denna fullproppade “weekend” innehållande olika workshops riktade mot olika områden i livet. Allt skapat för att ge dig mer medvetenhet och nya möjligheter för ”hela ditt liv”. Vissa workshoppar kommer att hållas av Jonas och vissa av Lisen och några tillsammans. Hur blir det bättre än så?

Har du också någon gång upplevt att när ett område fungerar, så är det något annat som inte fungerar…? Det har vi! Skulle det vara intressant för dig att alla områden och ”hela livet” fungerade samtidigt? Alla dessa ämnen och workshops är designade för att bidra till dig och ditt skapande av en annorlunda verklighet under 2013 och framåt! Som ett stort smörgårdsbord av MÖJLIGHETER!

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Stockholm 9-10 Februari
Helgen innehåller följande workshops och ämnen:

”Money…Money…Money… (Jonas & Lisen)
- Tänk om det är möjligt att skapa ett helt nytt ”space” kring pengar, fyllt med glädje och lätthet.
Genom att använda enkla verktyg och tekniker i ditt liv och i din vardag, kan du snabbt skapa en annorlunda verklighet och plattform för att generera och ta emot pengar.

”Conscious Leadership” (Jonas)
- Vad skulle vara möjligt om du ledde dig och andra från ett medvetet perspektiv? Hur skulle det expandera ditt liv?

”Creativity Breakthrough” (Lisen)
- Är du villig att stå i mer av din kraft och förkroppsliga mer av dig? Hur skulle det förändra vad du kan TA EMOT?

”Different Perspective – Different Relationship! (Jonas & Lisen)
- Vad mer är möjligt med relationer med ett lite annorlunda perspektiv? Vad mer är möjligt som ingen någonsin pratar om… Sugen på att skapa något annat än vad du sett i den här verkligen än så länge?

”X-Men” - Use your Talents & Abilities to your advantage! (Lisen)
- Tänk om det som du och andra har dömt som fel eller konstigt faktiskt är dina allra största tillgångar? Vad skulle vara möjligt för dig och för andra om du faktiskt förstod mer om hur du och andra fungerar?

Skapa, Generera & Expandera din FRAMTID! (Jonas)
- Okej… Låt oss göra det också… NU! Vad kan du göra, för att skapa det du verkligen önskar!

Känner du att det är dags NU? Och att detta känns spännande för dig? Eller att det irriterar dig som bara den… Då är det kanske precis det som kommer att bidra till dig och din framtid. Just nu!

OBS! Det är möjligt att både välja endast 1 DAG ELLER BÅDA DAGARNA! Ditt val!

1 DAG 1 200 SEK
Hela Helgen 1 900 SEK

"Anna Ahlefeldt Network Care"
Brännkyrkagatan 55

Om du har några frågor eller funderingar, så tveka inte att höra av dig.
Mail: jonasandlisen@gmail.com
Tele: +46 70-310 15 13 (Jonas)
Tele: +46 70-839 39 97 (Lisen)

Välkommen till en annorlunda framtid!
Ease & Joy!
// Jonas & Lisen


Change... choice

So many things are changing and I keep on being at the edge of everything and its choice in every second. And I know everything is just choice... and some choices feel more like decisions in my universe at the moment. And that has given me awareness that I have some kind of point of view about it...

And I am listening to Simone Milasas money tele class and she is talking about indulging in every choice if you don´t know what to choose.... indulge a couple of days if you choose NO and then change... indulge a couple of days in YES... and you will receive more awareness about it and sometimes the significance can become lighter for you to see, become aware of what you would like to choose.

The funny things is that choice creates so much change....
If we did not choose... we would stand much more still in life than we do. At the moment I jump and jump and take a leap into different possibilities... I really enjoy when I don´t know. At the moment I have so many incredible choices I can choose, oh boy:-))) weip??

Did you have the possibility to listen to the Radioshow we had tonight together with our awesome friend MARILYN BRADFORD....
I would not miss it:

This week has really been full of tele call, telesummits and meeting and so much new stuff, expansion.. and so much more that is expanding. Tomorrow Jonas and I have a tele call with Ewa and Kamila in Poland. We are going to Poland in April to have a weekend class about MONEY!!!!!
It´s going to be so much fun and now we would already like to contribute to the class, to people that are ready to receive change already. We had a tele meeting with Ewa and Kamila and one of them told us how the energy around money is already! 

That is so cool and often happens when you are part of creating a class... the energy is already here to receive!
One amazing this when you for example sign up for a class... it starts to create and what would it take for you to receive it as well??
Alot of people do receive when they do not expect it!
So there are no safety walls up between you and the CHANGE you are asking for!

Even if you are not aiming to come to Poland you can still choose to be part of the radio show:

And it will be translated... so you can absolutely understand it and we will too...
So thursday at 21:00//

Now I am off to bed, a bit tired:-))))

I am so grateful for everything in my life...so grateful.
What if we included the universe in our choices and asked for help to get more awareness!!!


Would you like to join the classes next week?

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and what if we can gift ourselves the greatest GIFT ever. 
Letting go of judging YOU, receiving the greatness you are!

The energy within Access has been expanding so rapidly these last months that it blows my mind. Gary Douglas always changes the manual for Foundation and Level 1 during his annual update class in November. This time he added a lot of new clearings and quite a lot of advanced processing from Levels 2&3 to the Foundation and Level 1 manuals. It has created such change for everyone who attends a class, what would it take for more you to get more of that? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have so many Access classes in Holland that we impact the whole of Europe, the whole world? With ease, joy and glory?

One of the areas I have also been looking at for February is our unique capacities and abilities, sometimes known as ADD, ADHD, OCD and autism. That’s why I will be giving an X-Men into class on February 17th as well. How many of you have some elements of these ‘abilities’ hidden in you? Would you like to learn to use them to your advantage? What contribution can you be to others?

I get to look at life from such a totally different space and energy thanks to Access. You are so valuable in everything you do and be, so what if the change we are asking for is right "around the corner"? Please have fun spreading consciousness and use the clearings from Access. 

FREE GIFT for YOU! A class I facilitated in Rome "EXPANDING your Life, Expanding Your Business"  http://www.accessconsciousness.tv/video/750

How does it get any better than this?
What energy, space and consciousness can we be to expand and grow consciousness for everyone we touch, just by being Us?

What contribution can I be to your life? If money is an ISSUE please connect with me or my host.

Hugs and kisses

What’s next?

* BARS™ Class with Lisen 
(February 14th, Amsterdam)
What could change for you on Valentine's Day with participating in a Bars class? How much more ease, joy and glory are you willing to invite into your life?

* Fun Foundation & Level 1  
(February 15th-18th)
Would you like to have even more of this? Awareness! Consciousness! Join Lisen for the Foundational classes and create a totally different platform. What if you could change any area of your life? Expand your business or just enjoy being you even more?

* X- Men: Disabilities or Abilities…? - also on Skype available
(February 17th, Amsterdam)
What if every "disability" is really an "ability" and a capacity for something greater here on Planet Earth? This evening class will explore the misidentifications and misapplications of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism as disabilities and look at how they are abilities. What abilities might be hidden in you?

Ongoing events…

* REPLAY Illusion to Illumination Summit 
"Receiving everything You are and creating an Amazing Life!"
Come and join me and 20 other Access Facilitators to expand the joy in your life.
* BlogTalkRadio -
"Consciousness in Action"
Jonas & Lisen talking about all kind of topics from a conscious perspective. On many occasions inviting Access Facilitators as guests.
Check it out and listen FREE at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/consciousnessinaction
* Voice of America -
A team of 7 Access Facilitators from all over the world, including Lisen and Jonas, talking about consciousness. Check it out and listen FREE at: 
You can also LIKE us on Facebook: 
During january I had a whole month full of tools to change the energy around money. Now sharing with you tools and technics I use in my
life and business!!
Link to Classes & Events with more info and REGISTRATION:
Lisen Bengtsson: 



A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed for the Access Consciousness blog and it´s really interesting to read about yourself and hear your own voice written.
During the interview we talked about a lot of areas in my life, about my childhood, about energies & awareness. How I as a teenager desired to become as aware about energies as everything that I can see with my eyes, this solid world. 
My demand for a different world and life was very early... it was a lot of fun to talk about what I have chosen and asked for in my life and where I am now.

You can read the interview here:




Telesummit on Tuesday

So tomorrow I am on a Telesummit again and so looking forward to it... connected with a couple of hundred people at once. It´s so much fun and an incredible energy to tap into as well:-)
And it´f for FREE for everybody that would like to join.
Here is the page to register to receive the call-in information for tomorrow interview:

I hope you’ll join me for this phenomenal call. http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1511895

Call in and explore different possibilities for your life, I am so looking forward!

On Tuesday at 19:00 (swedish time) and 10am Pacific

"Receiving Everything You Are and Creating an Amazing Life"

And if you would like to have a peek on the package that I am offering here you can look at it:

There is so much we can be and receive that is such a contribution to us, our bodies and to everything we are choosing! And what if we can have fun while we choose to explore new sides of us?

Yesterday I was in Copenhagen facilitating a FaceLifting class, one of my favorite body processes and have been facilitating the classes for over 3 years now and yesterday we also added the Correcting Vision.
People looked so different after the class and you could see some of the stuck energies in the bodies change, begin to heal. Some felt direct change in their eyes, other could perceive old injuries healing, not being locked in the patterns & programs what it will create in the future...

It was a very different class, it brought up reaction in people bodies and it was a class with live experiences, how to deal with what shows up and also how willing or unwilling we are to let go of our own point of views or point of views we have made more real that us. 

If you for example hear a doctor say you will probably not walk in 30 years after this kind of trauma to your body, wonder what your body will create???

I am so grateful she came to the class...still 7 years to the due day. Now things are changing! 
What will it take for all of us to change whatever we have locked inside our body that is not true and creating limitations in our bodies? podpoc all that!!!!!

I wanted to share one photo from yesterday, there were more examples:

Thank you so much Annette Valström for your contribution!!
hugs Lisen

ps. what can we choose and create in the next class?


TESTIMONIAL after Bars, Foundation & Level 1

I attended the 5 Days of Change and that turned out to be a very appropriate name for these amazing classes. I´ve noticed so many changes in my life and I see so many more possibilities, endless actually.

Life as I know it has shifted. Lots happened already during the days of the classes and it has been an ongoing process ever since. I have so much more energy, living is easier and I choose joy and laughter much more often, even being giggly. I like it. 
My body is being more at ease and we´ve become much better friends, me and my body. The biggest change is probably that I find myself more enthusiastic and excited about life and living in a way I haven´t done before.  Awesome!

Lisen is a great facilitator with so much love, laughter, presence and awareness and she has a tremendous ability to perceive where the group and individuals are at, and to question, guide and lead us forward. 
Thank You for being you, inviting me to be me! 
In gratitude,
PS, Sweden


Living now

We are always living here and now, at least our bodies are. Our mind on the other hand has a tendency to think about the past and worry about the future, all of that filled with judgements, point of views and conclusions.
In the last years that has changed alot for me, oh my God... I could worry very well.

Now I have more ease just being, asking a lot of questions, having more fun than ever creating. And it feels as if we are designed to create and generate... too often we get stuck in the energy= this is how its going to be. We don´t ask questions, we just get ready for work and long to get home afterwards...
How much fun is that? What if you designed your life every day? Even when you went for work...

Now I am off facilitating a Facelifting class in Copenhagen... lets talk to the molecules of the body:-))
Have fun today, what would it take? What if you did one thing different today?