
Lite mer hemma...

En liten påminnelse om några små möjligheter som inträffar den närmaste tiden.n

Foundation & Level 1 
… magiska dagar som bidrar till mer energi,medvetenhet, var du kan få verktyg att förvandla din drömmar till verklighet. Är du villig att ta emot mer?

Känner du någon som du vet skulle få ut lika mycket som du av att börja med BARS?

På Yogiana. Glöm inte att anmäla dig!

Vår nästa Radioshow på Value of Controversy "Are you defending against SEX or MONEY?" med fotbollsspelaren Ricky Williams, Jonas & Lisen
Tisdag den 22 januari kl.21:00

Om du vill se hela vårt schema kan du göra det här:

Ease, Joy & "Mycket förändring"!
// Jonas & Lisen

Om du inte vill ha våra utskick längre, kan du bara svara NEJ TACK på detta utskicket.


Förverkliga ditt liv och dina drömmar:-)
Access Foundation & Level1 - 2013
med Lisen

Access Grundkurser för ökad medvetenhet och en annorlunda verklighet.

När och var?
Helsingborg 24-27 januari

Mer Info & Anmälan:

Vilka områden vill du förändra?
Detta är grundkurserna inom Access Consciousness. Foundation är 2 dagar och Level1 är 2 dagar. Access Consciousness är en uppsättning dynamiska verktyg och processer som öppnar upp för nya möjligheter i livet. Syftet är att du ska få tillgång till mer av DIG och öka din medvetenhet.

Foundation handlar om att skapa förståelse för hur den här verkligheten vi lever i fungerar och påverkar våra liv. Syftet är att öka medvetenheten samt att göra sig av med hinder och begränsningar. Du kommer att få enkla och kraftfulla verktyg för att förändra precis det du vill förändra i DITT liv.

Level 1
Under Level1 arbetar vi vidare med den grund vi skapat under Foundation. Vi går ännu djupare med hur våra tankar, känslor, åsikter, beslut och programmeringar påverkar våra liv på daglig basis. Genom att arbeta med dessa på djupet skapas förutsättningar för ännu större MÖJLIGHETER i våra liv! Du kommer även lära dig olika kroppsprocesser.
Video från Gary & Dain

Feedback från deltagare:
"Jag hade aldrig kunnat tro att det skulle vara så magiskt att ta emot mig själv. Mitt liv verkade förändras framför ögonen på mig under kursen. Är så glad att jag valde gå nu! Detta är bara början på min resa. TACK!"

"Jag skulle vilja att alla gick dessa 4 dagar, gärna flera gånger. Den händer så mycket för varje gång, det är en helt ny kurs, svårt att förklara i ord. Du kommer att förstå det." B.D.


Vill du också stoppa "surret" och få MER av DIG?
Access BARS kurs den 19 jan med Lisen

"BARS" kursen är första steget inom Access Consciousness. BARS är en teknik som hjälper dig att släppa alla de tankar, känslor, programmeringar och övertygelser som hindrar dig från att "ta emot". Allting finns tillgängligt, det enda som hindrar oss från att ta emot är alla våra tidigare programmeringar.

"Jag är helt överväldigad över detta. Allting bara e enklare och enklare hela tiden. Sen jag började med BARS har jag mer lugn och mindre stress. Jag är mycket oftare närvarande... Och jag är så tacksam!" / PT

När & Var? 
Lördag den 19 januari
Karl X Gustavs gata 24A, Helsingborg


det dags för en mysig och skön kväll...?
BARS Bytar kväll med Jonas & Lisen

Kvällen är för alla som har gått en Access BARS kurs och önskar att vara med, byta en BARS-behandling och träffa andra som har lärt sig samma teknik. Under kvällen pratar vi om olika områden, gör Access clearings och bidrar till att skapa mer medvetenhet:-))

Glöm inte att anmäla dig, det kan bli fullt.

150:- inkl. fika, skratt och clearings i alla områden som önskas.

När & Var?  
Måndag 21 januari, Helsingborg (Yogiana, Högastensgatan 12) kl. 18.00-21.30


Jonas Svensson & Lisen Bengtsson 

Access Facilitators & Access Organizers

Bars, Foundation & Level 1
Access Body Process Facilitator
Right Voice for You Facilitator
Cert. Coach

Jonas  +46 703 10 15 13  |  jonas.svensson@me.com
Lisen   +46 708 39 39 97  |  lisen.bengtsson@me.com

Skype namn

Value of Controversy - radioshow

The topic for next week
22nd of January

Are you defending against sex or money?
"Turn in to turn on - SEX AND MONEY"
Are you unconsciously avoiding sex or money in your life, without even being aware of it?

How is sex and money connected? Are you willing to join in and listen to us talking about this area, that most people think is so sensitive so they rather not talk about it at all?

What judgements do you have of money and sex and what judgements are you trying to avoid with not receiving all the sex and money you could receive? 

Maybe this show might turn you on... Are you willing to take the risk?

At 12 noon Pacific time and 21:00 Swedish time.

The following link is a LIVE link (you can only find the show when we are on the air)

And here is our last show that you can listen to whenever you like:

Hosts for this show are: Jonas Svensson, Ricky Williams and Lisen Bengtsson


Body class with Glenna!

Awesome weekend! so Nurturing, fun, expansive and with so many beautiful people. 
3 day body class with Glenna Rice and I am so happy and my body is so relaxed, just like being at a spa, just more deep and feel connected to everything!

Glenna is a great facilitator, following the energy, willing to contribute to everybody, perceiving what is, not trying to get you anywhere... it is your choice, your question that will change anything in your life.

During the class different topics come up: judgements, tools from access, bodies, babies, sex, money, relationship. Everything has to do with bodies... we are experiencing with our bodies!

It´s so cool. I wish to attend at least 2 body classes per year, so far going great with that, maybe even more in the future. So many subtle things that you would like to change that you might be struggling just disappear when you go to a body class... you receive from all the processes in the room and this time I could perceive that in a total new way and even asked to be willing to receive from everybody even more and from the whole universe... what if it would like to gift you more than you thought is possible?

So much space today, so much joy and lots of things to catch up with. It has really been a day of connecting and if I have time I will write a swedish newsletter for south of sweden!

Lots of things... connected and involved in so many projects and facilitating so many classes! yuppiieee!!! so looking foward to all the cities I am going to: Copenhagen, Berlin, Stockholm, Amsterdam, London, Rome, Cork... and of course Helsingborg where I live. And many times in my favorite city Copenhagen! love you so much!!!
And soon I will be facilitating classes in Poland/Warsaw and Stuttgart as well and some plans for the US as well... a bit further away though.
Met a cool woman from Warsaw that I am also was so lucky to swop body processes with!!!

and you can check it out on my Access page:

and of course if you would like me to come to your town or you would like to host/organize a class, please email me so there is time for a class. My schedule is getting very full, very fast:-))
and how does it get any better than this?


Preparing to become Facilitator

Today during the Access Facilitators call with Simone we received the information about the pre-requisites to become a Facilitator.
One of the things is a tele call called 10 commandments by Gary & Dain. It is incredible, I don´t know how many times I have listened to it... and every time I receive so much more awareness.
It really is a contribution to my life and of course as a facilitator.

If you are going to become a facilitator you have to buy the recordings of Gary & Dains call, it is not valid as pre requisites if you join somebody elses class. I would do that too...the tools are really cool!!!

Just wanted to contribute if you were in the question. Both Jonas and I have received quite a few questions lately as well.



Today I have a day where things are changing... time out :-))

I came to point where things were not working for me anymore. I work 24/7 with Access and I would not change it for anything. It´s a gift in my life, I receive so much energy and joy. I am grateful and I have lots of fun exploring new things, creating and generating. And every day I get aware of more things! And get more awareness of the tools I am using or choose to explore some new ones. Gary Douglas and Dain Heer are gifting more and more for every day and its incredible and its like and ocean of possibilities.

In the last 4 years I have been willing to change so many of my (very) interesting point of views, judgements and where I was functioning from limitations. And things have changed together with people, and also together with Gary and Dain and on my own. I know I did not grow up in the energy infinite possibilities (who has???) and in the last years I have more and more been willing to receive that it is possible. There are people not functioning from competition, judgements and limitations... though not many on this planet. and people that do not desire to stop or limit you. 

I am so grateful... this world is beautiful and every choice I choose creates an effect/energy on the planet, it can expand or contract. It can contribute or limit, it can bring joy....or...
We are all part of this planet and we have chosen to have a body NOW... if you read this and have a physical body... you have chosen to be here. Well, you can be more or less present in your life of course.

Most people grow up learning how it works here and it does not matter if you are spiritual or not. Still alot of judgements and point of views about this reality, being in this reality.

If we would like a different reality, maybe we can look at what is stopping us. What point of views I have made important. We have so many reasons and justicifations...for example this brings me joy...or I am happy when...
I can not because... or when I have money... this is too expensive. What ever it is!

Most people I meet have a point of view about others, so happiness does not become a CHOICE, you are the effect of others.
Being around people that work in Access, Simone, Suzy, Katarina, Blossom, Claudia, Jonas and many more show me every day that there is a different reality, nothing right, nothing wrong. Just Choice... change. If things don´t work... we change them... learn from them. 
Choice creates awareness!

And nothing becomes solid and mistakes are done and that is ok. It took me a while to really get that I don´t have to be perfect, that it is ok to have flaws. I would choose to defend my shit, instead of just being ok with me, being me...

Working together with people can really contribute so much to you, to me!
And hosting classes the last years have created so much for me, contributed so much to be and to Access. I am aware it is ease for me, I enjoy it... can play with the tools. There are a lot of practical things just to do. But there is basically nothing I do without awareness, of course this has not been like this from the beginning and I am not saying that I 100% function from awareness.
I include everything as much as I am choosing every moment. For a class there are a lot of practical things... looking for a venue, dealing with prices, finding hotels, looking at what and when things are required.
A look at classes and I am connected with the energy of the class and it often tells me in some way what is required. Not necessarily exactly what... more something is required NOW!

This happened a week ago with Level 2&3 in Copenhagen... no movement, almost disconnected and it was knocking at me, hej Lisen: I need something NOWWWW!!!!!!! get moving!!!!!!

and I did not exactly know what so I began asking questions, what can I do? who can I talk to? what energy space, and consciousness can I be to create and generate this class? What esc can me and my body be to contribute with everything this class requires of me? and so on... a day full of questions and then I began emailing the people involved. 
And also looked at the practical things... what are we missing and we got a FB event up and it created so much joy... movement... energy.... and lots of people connecting with the class. I could just perceive how happy the class got.

Even if it is Gary facilitating the class, there is an energy, an entity that is the class and every person coming to the class... contribute to create this entity... and so much more. This is just some of what I am looking at. And I am so grateful for everybody signing up in time... it contributes on so many levels. To the energy of possibilities what can be created in the class and of course it is kind to the hosts as well, there are so many practical things connected with the registrations. I get that most people don´t have a clue what we do when we host a class. And I dont expect anybody to.

When I host I am constantly in the question and I when I get heavy I don´t choose it even if I can not explain it. Jonas and I have been training our energetic muscles in the last years hosting classes and its getting easier and easier. And if you were in Stockholm at the ESB... My, Jonas and I really enjoyed co-hosting!!
Co-hosting has been very interesting, some people really like creating expansive classes and contributing to Dain and Gary! and are willing to put in the hours that are required.

And some people love having their point of view about Dain and Gary and ..... very interesting when they have a point of view that a class is expensive. How can you be the invitation to a class, if you think the class costs too much. Everybody will perceive that! 
I can not have that pov about a class, that is not honoring to the person facilitating the class.(this is my point of view) I am doing them wrong basically. And stopping the class to expand. What if you chose not to have a point a view and let people choose for themselves, what if we could allow people to have choice.

If you are facilitating Access classes and at the same time having a point of view about prices.... what do you think happens to your own business? and what if you were willing to let go of it? and receive the help that there is? If you are a Bars facilitator for example, every month you can be on a Tele call with Blossom and ask for facilitation and its for free!!!! isn´t that incredible??? and become free of a limitation that might be stopping everything that you are asking for to change??!!!

It´s just a possibility...and it´s choice!

I am grateful to so many people in my life... there are so many incredible people...today I got aware that it becomes too heavy to work with people that do not want to look at their point of views. It´s sad because it could contribute to so many different areas of your life.

... and there are so many possibilities... infront of us to be chosen in every minute. But we so often cheerish what we know!
What will it take to change that?

When we choose with awareness it becomes so much more FUN, magic is being created in every moment and often I get so surprised what really is possible... magic is fun and I don´t have so many point of views about what is possible and what is not possible. I like playing...playing making deals with the venues...manipulating and creating magical deals. I don´t have an expectation, I go for possibilities and as where the class would like to be....so many things...it can be so much ease and fun.
That does not mean that I sit at home on my fat as.

And just to something else... I am so grateful to be part of a group of change in Access. Gary is creating something together with us that has not existed and we are not choosing from conclusions... we are in the question and everything is constantly changing... and I can say that is a LOT of change going on every week. Wow.. its a different way of creation and I am really grateful and REALLY grateful for every person that is part of it. I love you guys!!!!
Thank you so much GARY and DAIN!!!

lots of kisses and hugs
puss och kram


Bars facilitators call

In the last weeks we (Jonas and I) have received a lot of feedback from the tele call we were invited to be guest speakers on. It was the monthy Bars Facilitators Call in November. 

It was so funny because Blossom and we had a misunderstanding about the time. She being in Australia and we being in Europe... well your night and my day... well... we got aware of the call, I was walking dog at 11pm and ran home to be on it... it was a bumpy start.
And then it became so much fun. The energy about creating a business and how you can do that was up many times during the call and all the ways we thing we should be doing it.
Not ease, joy and glory.
If you have not listened to it, you will have fun if you do:-))

What else can we contribute with? What else can we create and generate to create more business? More clients? More fun....

And here is our latest feedback we received yesterday or was it today...

Hey Guys,

I listened earlier today to you on the Bars facilitator call– I SO love your energy – and the lightness of being in the question that you both embody – what would it take for me to play in that way.

Anyway – just wanted to say thanks, I learned loads – about business and facilitating telecalls.

I’ve just booked flights, hotels and paid for Glenna’s 3-day body class in CPH – hopefully see you both there to bask in your energy.