

Nu är jag äntligen hemma efter en otrolig äventyr med en massa kurser i över 2 veckor... eller är det längre? Jag vet inte, Amsterdam först och sedan Köpenhamn och det hela har känts som att vara hemma överallt jag är. Reser gärna och håller kurser, var som helt på planeten.
Nu är det tid att göra det ännu mera och på helt nytt sätt.
Nu ligger jag i min sköna säng och ska sova, har hämtat Sinya och hon ligger bredvid. Jag är så tacksam för henne! wow.. vilken bidrag i mitt liv, vilken energi hon har.
Vi kommer ha 2 underbara dagar tillsammans och sedan lämnar jag iväg henne för ungefär en månad. Känns dock mycket längre... de närmaste 4 veckorna är super intensiva i mitt schema och står för så mycket förändring som jag har frågat efter och nu bara känns som jag är på väg att flyga...
Hoppas jag får träffa dig närmaste tiden!
Nu ska jag sova...
puss och kram Lisen

ps. på onsdag lunch flyger vi till Stockholm!


I Köpenhamn...

Ska lägga mig nu, imorgon är ju ännu en dag. Och då börjar Level 1 här och det ska bi spännande. Nu inför ESB är det mycket som kommer upp, många underbara människor som kontaktar oss och det är alltid lika spännande att prata med människor jag inte känner.

Vi är nu över 70 personer som kommer...och klassen växer varje dag. Vad ska till för att vi når 100?
Det skulle bli helt magiskt och samtidigt är antalet verkligen inte viktigt. De som kommer, de kommer och vi glädjer oss verkligen till de som vill bidra till denna fantastiska klass!!!!!
det bubblar i oss som jobbar med klassen och det finns många olika trådar att hålla i och få ihop och det är kul att använda magi.
sov så sött


Consciousness in Action

På onsdag är det radio show med både av oss igen. Vi ändrade datum för jag är i Amsterdam och har en massa att göra och Jonas är också fullbokad. Härligt med allt som skapas!
Så det blir onsdag kväll. Vi kommer båda vara i Köpenhamn, tror jag i alla fall. Får prata med honom ikväll efter hans kvällsklass. Mer information ikväll eller imorgon.

Jag har precis haft bars, foundation och level 1 i Amsterdam med en helt magisk grupp!
Nu ska jag ut och äta middag med min host och avrunda det hela och prata om vad mer är möjligt?
Händer så mycket och det är så roligt och jag kommer vara i Amsterdam fler gånger!!!!

pussar till er alla, Lisen


Now this is a bit old, 2 days...

I am on the plane again and I kind of have a trend to write when I am flying. I am always writing when I fly, often take the time to email, catch up with things and it feels so great. On this flight to Amsterdam I have been creating the welcome letter to the Level 2&3 in Rome! 
It is incredible, I am soon in Access classes with Dain again! I love and can not have enough or too much… that would only say: too much of me. There is never too much of me. There is so much more space for me to step into, be willing to be. It is getting so clear and include everybody at the same time as well.

Now in the now again... I did not have so much time to write... very short trip to Amsterdam from Copenhagen. It is amazing to be here again. I receive so many cool awarenesses! wow...

Merlijn and I co-facilitated the Bars class yesterday and it was so much fun. It was his first class and he did a great job. For me it was interesting to perceive the energies of the language. I get so many pictures of what he is saying and also understand some of it. Kind of nice and it was really fun. It was like another possibility to experience energies... awareness!

So sitting here in my bed after one of the coolest Foundation classes I have had! So far!!! They all just jumped in, no introduction, no landing in the class. We want to change NOW... why wait 30 min...NOW!
When I read the first page in the manual, if you have been to class... it starts with "Imagine...." Gary is writing about what he perceives is possible on this planet and I have read it so many times. 
Today I couldn´t read it... tears. For the first time I felt the energy being here, possible, now and this class was here... willing to choose! 
Oh my God. Such an incredible class... wow.... so grateful for all of you...
What contribution can I be to you, your life, your body, everything you desire?

Wow! Can not express it in words. You are just amazing. I know people show up when they are ready!
And that is cool. You all showed up and were so ready! wow.... you rocked my world. You are like me, want it all, and NOW! What will it take to continue choosing this and create a total different reality? and choosing what works for you?
Next time... come to Amsterdam and be part of these classes!

I received this ams from a participant in the BARS class: 

Hi Merlijn and Lisen, thx 4 today. I told you both I could not wait to practice the bars on my 5 years old daughter. Well, actually I did. I think it went well. She said that she felt 'things' leaving, first getting in line and then moving towards the head or feet before leaving her body. Without me telling her of course! The 3 fingers on peace and calm made her fell asleep within 3 minutes. I finished her session, without bothering. Isn't that amazing? How does it gets better than this?! Love to you both, I.

I still get chills reading this!

Do you know what happens NEXT week? Foundation & Level 1 in COPENHAGEN, with Jonas and Me. Get the best of both and we are so on fire! I will come directly from the class here and Jonas will drive over from Sweden. Have you seen his RELATIONSHIP class on sunday in Copenhagen and monday in Helsingborg. If you missed it, check his page on Access Consciousness website: http://www.accessconsciousness.com/fac_detail.asp?mid=630

And I will have a business class this sunday in Amsterdam. Just be aware that you can join the classes via Skype and be part of them. It is an awesome possibility!

Off to bed now and sleep time!!!!
kisses to all you amazing peeps!


Introduktion till Access Consciousness med "Jonas & Lisen"

IMORGON börjar vi!!!! Nu kör vi igång!

En tanke vi har haft många gånger och länge och nu!!! nu kör vi...
Minns ni att jag var på en radio show ett tag sedan? Och under den shown blev jag så medveten att jag har så mycket att bidra med!

Consciousness in Action | Blog Talk Radio

Introduktion till Access Consciousness med "Jonas & Lisen" 09-11 by Consciousness in Action | Blog Talk Radio

Så om du vill vara med, klicka på länken strax innan kl.20:00, för kl.20:00 börjar vi och du kan välja att lyssna på det eller så kan du välja att ringa in och vara med och prata med oss. Det skulle väl vara roligt att prata med oss????? kanske en smaksak. Vi skulle tycka det vore super roligt!! Var med!!!

NUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuu köööörrrrrr viiiiiiii..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Så glad jag är, jag spricker av energi och glädje! Så roligt och vad mer kan jag bidra med??? vi bidra med?????

Känner du det? wooohooo.....


Next stop

Off to next stop in my journey of contributing to more consciousness on the planet... and now its Amsterdam with Bars, Foundation & Level1(13-17 september). So enjoy these classes, they create so much change for people. Empowering people to be them and receive tools that they can use in everyday life that create change is soooo incredible and so much joy!
What would it take for people to be willing to be more aware? And I can be honest, it is a class that is great to repeat some times.... there is so much information, processes, clearings and awareness. I can say about myself... I receive so much change in every class I facilitate... and everybody in the class contributes to everybody there. It is so beautiful. 
It is not a class where we try to change the bad to something good. It is a class to great more awareness so you can choose in every moment what will expand your life... or whatever you are asking for and also be aware what it will create in the bigger picture.
This time I will also have some more time for private sessions. I have had sessions every time I have been in Amsterdam, this time there is more space... so if you feel like looking at something and creating a total different reality for you... welcome.



Today I received an email and it was so beautiful, and so inspiring! and so grateful. Thanks Tom for sending me this and how amazing are you? You are absolutely amazing!!! I get so happy to see people include their potency, abilities and contribute to this world!!!!!

Hi Lisen,

How are you? :) I have good news! 

Remember that conversation we had after the Money class ended in Amsterdam?
Where you told me to stop cutting off my abilities as a computer programmer and to look for a new job?

That really resonated with me.

I took that advice to heart, and I started looking for a job as a software engineer.
I created my CV and posted it up on an IT job site online. 
On the same day I had someone from an IT recruitment company call me up and they said they would start looking for jobs for me.

And they sure did! At a certain point I had three recruiters who were looking for jobs for me, haha! 
How does it get any easier than that?

I think I've done about 5 interviews with different companies in the last couple of weeks.
Today I had a second interview with a company called ProPlanet.

They decided to offer me a job and I accepted the job offer this afternoon! I'm beginning there next week on Thursday.
The company is about 30 minutes from my home so it's a short drive by car.

I'm getting a monthly salary that is more than I've ever had before, and I'm looking forward to beginning there!

So thank you very much for your all your help Lisen! Much gratitude for you!!
And how does it get even better than this? :-)

May all of life come to you with ease, joy, glory & gratitude,

Tom :-)


My life and business (some how no difference for me... ) is expanding soooo much... muchisimo and it issss sooooooo much fun! I have almost not interest in sleeping and would like to be able to create even more and it has come to a point.... I need help! support, people wanting to contribute and expand together with me. I would like to make clear that I am creating a lot by myself now and as well with Jonas and we like each other. Even if we are not a couple, we contribute to each other, eat dinner, sit and work together... and have fun. We have projects together and we are doing more and more things on our own. Well, after having built a business together during 3 years and being together... things change and it is amazing and we like it other. So what would it take for Jonas to create an amazing business? Generating so much money that he can change anything in this reality with ease?!!!

So grateful to be where I am! Have you noticed? I am and its incredible... I love it and I enjoy so much of my life and now I am building a new platform for so many things. Basically everything and I do not have everything clear, in words... my energy is clear and my awareness...woohoooo.... expanding beyonds and wow. I can see, perceive and sense so many things being possible NOW!
Before I could perceive it and somehow it was more on a level of being possible, but more like a fantasy, dream... and then asking what would it take? and you know
Now there is more an energy... if I ask (Lisen know that everything is possible now) be prepared to receive! it is coming big time!
I am still controlling things and haven´t built up systems as much as I would like. Now I am ready to do that! And would like to invite some people to join along this ride... into more consciousness... more expansion... more awareness!!!!!

Tomorrow I will add details about what I am looking for. Now I am putting my energy and time on a NEW project. Coming out this week!

hugs Lisen